Monthly Archives: June 2013

June 2013 WOD Compilation

June  2013 WODs

I’ve compiled our June 2013 WODs in this ebook for reference and a peek inside some of our main programming. As long as our clients and athletes are continuing on getting PRs, I consider it sound and effective programming for our group sessions.

I also program additional “Conditioning Without Fail” for athletes at as well as other “work” for competitive athletes.

This compilation details just our WODs. It does not include the specific warm-ups or additional skill training we do prior to the WODs.

I’ve been programming WODs since we affiliated in late 2007. Programming has evolved tremendously since then, and continues to do so.

This programming works well for members who wish to get to their highest levels of fitness – just short of regularly competing in CrossFit events. For those members or athletes who wish to compete in the Sport of CrossFit, additional work is needed and it’s something we provide to those members.

We want you to keep in mind that there is CrossFit for Fitness (most of us which also includes competing in local events a few times a year) and CrossFit for Sport. If you’re doing it for Sport, you’re training is to solely get better to place higher in Competitive CrossFit events. You’re a Regionals Athlete or aspiring to qualify for the Regionals.

Now there’s a continuum to this all. You just have to determine where you fall in the grand scheme of things.

CrossFit for Fitness <=============================> CrossFit for Sport

Once you decide, you can now train intentionally, on purpose, and with a clear focus. And understand this… you can always change your mind.

Rigorous Training June 2013 WOD Compilation